Bluetiful bodies

Cyanotype is an ancient printing technique that creates blue images using a photosensitive solution and sunlight.

Bluetiful Bodies is a large-format cyanotype workshop using old bedsheets.

It starts with a reflection on what a body is and how it could transform. Participants imagine new creatures and design them using cardboard and other recycled materials.

During the exposure phase, participants lie down with their newly created "limbs" on bedsheets pre-treated with the cyanotype solution.

The sunlight captures and imprints the silhouettes on the fabric.

To stop the process and fix the color, the sheets are washed in water, removing any excess chemicals.

Once the cloths are wrung out and dried in the sun, new creatures emerge from the deep Prussian blue.

In just a few hours, surprising characters are born: some with three legs, others with giant hands, tails, crests, or fins.


Concept Development
Workshop Facilitation
Setup and Staging




Circolo IAM


Federico Evangelista (ph 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17)
Marco Casino (video footage)
Giacomo Betti (video editing)
Specialedolore (music)

Next project

.Quasi Quasi ETS
Via Varanini 29/ / EN
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